A fast psychedelic and addictive game.

The goal is to observe the two colors on the top and try to guess what color it will create if mixed together. Click on one of the two colors at the bottom to make a choice. Be carefull to make a choice before the end of the timer (represented by the black loading bar in the middle).

As long as you don't fail, the game continue by increasing its speed.

Try to get better and beat your high score !


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I've done 39 !  :D
Really cool little game : a cool idea, a simple design and just enough polish. I loved it !

(1 edit)

Thanks! It's an old game I made years ago, I found it in my computer and decided to put it on itch. It was inspired by this guy who made tiktoks where he tried to figure out what color will produce a certain mix of colors :d
I believe I forgot to put a random seed so it's always the same colors each time you play haha
I'd like to redo the game with a better UI at some point  ;)